The Second-Year Transformative Experience Programme (S.T.E.P) in the Aston Preston Hall aims to develop and implement a comprehensive coordinated approach toward the second year experience. The programme is intended to help second-year students develop and/or further enhance their civic responsibility in volunteering their time, skills and efforts in helping others. This programme takes on a project-oriented approach where a need is highlighted and a plan of action is worked out to raise funds to address the need.
To enable second year students residing in Aston Preston Hall to become more socially aware and rounded through the act of volunteerism.
The main objectives of the STEP are:
- To motivate students to fully engage the volunteerism process in an effort to positively impact their communities.
- To enhance leadership, service learning, and civic responsibility skills/values
- To allow students the opportunity to work in groups and learn and understand group dynamics as they pursue a common goal.
- To enable students to develop skills in project planning and fund raising
- To provide target audience with guiding tools in developing skills in expressing themselves orally and in writing.
- To encourage/develop positive life skills in target audience (critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making)
Interested students should contact us today for more details.